Sunday 19 October 2014

Ebola Virus a Manufactured Mutation Bio-weapon For Hybrid Warfare

Ebola is a form of population control popular singer Chris Brown stated on his twitter handle. He maybe right in some way but not totally right in all ways. Ebola virus is a perfect weapon of war. A weapon of mass destruction created by the U.S Federal Government. The virus 'escaped' from the United state laboratory and suddenly appears in unsuspecting African population, and ultimately to the populations of the world. The world is now told that this Ebola virus is a natural mutation when in fact it is a completely manufactured mutation of the Lassa fever virus.

What is a Lassa Fever virus?

Lassa fever is or Lassa hemorrhagic fever an acute viral hemorrhagic fever caused by the Lassa virus an acute viral illness that occurs in west Africa. The virus was first discovered in 1969 when two missionary nurses died in Nigeria. The virus is named after the town in Nigeria where the first cases occurred.It is a single-stranded RNA virus and is zoonotic, or animal-borne.

Outbreaks of the disease have been observed in Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and the Central African Republic, and some African countries.The number of Lassa virus infections per year in west Africa is estimated at 100,000 to 300,000, with approximately 5,000 deaths. 
 The virus is probably transmitted by contact with the feces or urine of animals accessing grain stores in residences. Given its high rate of incidence, Lassa fever has become a major problem in the African region. This virus is responsible for death in about 20% of those who are infected. This Virus or disease had been around for many years, but it was not defined as a specific type of virus as the world did not care about fever deaths in the African population. 

After many years of trying to contain the Lassa Virus another way too deadly time bomb was created, and that is the Ebola virus. Ebola was also named after a place in South Sudan unlike Lassa Fever named after a place in Nigeria.

The world is tangled in a new type of Bio-warfare a dangerous type of warfare. No wander Russia and China are trying to contain the U.S.A from the evil she is trying to unleash against the world. The Ebola virus as a new type of hybrid Bio-weapon has failed. Countries like Russia and China are working hard for a cure. China recently sent some new drugs to Africa for testing. Russian Health Minister last Saturday said on Rossiya one television that the country has created three Ebola vaccines and will be ready in 6 months. 

Ebola virus has killed more than 4000 people since the start of the year making it the worst Ebola outbreak of all time.