Wednesday 16 October 2013

Woman and Man-Lover Connived and Killed Husband Over Love Affair

Mrs. Nanbol and Samson were alleged to have connived killing her husband, to enable Samson marry her. The deceased who was a laborer  was said to have been killed by the lovers, a few hours after he returned home from work.

Mrs. Nanbol was alleged to have called Samson that her husband was home. Samson then came over to the house and killed Mr. Nanbol, who happened to be his friend.

Samson explained that he had been in love with the woman since July, 2013 and had been having an affair with her since then.

Samson, who hails from Langtant South, noted that because of his impressive performance in lovemaking, Mrs. Nanbol begged him to kill her husband once he returned from his place of work.

Samson insisted he preferred the normal routine, which was having sex with her. According to him, the woman allegedly insisted that for him to continue the routine of unlimited sexual intercourse, he must kill her husband first.

Going back on how the plan was executed, Samson explained: “What happened was that I killed the husband of Mrs. Yakbyen Nanbol. The whole thing started after she came to me, saying she loved me and wanted us to start having affair. Her husband was always not at home. He works at Port Harcourt and I have been having affairs with her for long.

One day, she came to me said we should get married, but I rejected it. But i later had a rethink and agreed to marry her. I said I will give her money as usual, but she said no. She said that I should kill her husband, so I agreed.

On the day that her husband came home, she called me that the husband was around. I went there in the night and killed him.

When asked how he met the woman, Samson said: “I met her through her husband. He was my friend and I used to go to their house. After, she approached me whenever her husband was away, I will go to the house and have sex with her and then leave. I had never slept over in their house.”

The woman, Mrs. Nanbol, however denied Samson’s allegation, insisting that there was no time she asked him to murder her husband.

According to her, it was actually Samson, who approached her, revealing his love for her. After much pressure, she succumbed to his love advances and an affair started.

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