Friday 11 October 2013

Do You Own a Smart Phone? The Big Brothers are Watching You! You Have No Where To Hide or Run!

 if your phone was purchased within the last couple of years from any major carrier, it likely came with a pre-installed GPS that keeps constant tabs on your travels.

 What you may not know about this feature is that unless you go out of your way to turn the GPS on your phone off it stays on.

it attaches personal information to all data shared on your phone. 

The pictures you took. Remember when you uploaded the pictures to Facebook and tagged all your friends in it? You left your GPS on  your phone at the moment the picture was taken, and now your friends and families are tagged in the photograph are shown as “present” at the mall. 

The address and map directions to that exact location are provided at no extra cost by the click of a mouse. 

Not only did you unknowingly report the address where you were last weekend, but you reported the location of your friends and family.

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